Friday, July 3, 2009

The 14 Ps of Mixed Media Marketing - Part 6

This classic P is central to marketing. It is not interchangeable with “marketing”. It needs the guidance of a marketing strategy for it to be effective. Promotions are programs or campaigns designed by the marketing strategy with the aim of achieving the marketing objectives. Usually this means an advertising or PR campaign and running specials or having special events.

In mixed media marketing, promotion is taken online and offline. There are innovative ways of taking traditional promotional ideas and implementing them online, in an environment where the responses are accurately measurable and the promotion can be easily modified. However, offline promotion is also important and complements online promotion.

  • It is easy to add discounts to your online store with the right software or maybe just offer specials to loyal customers.
  • Cheaply and conveniently distribute coupons and special offers using email or announcements to fans and followers.
  • Public relations are best performed online where your brand can interact using two-way communication.
  • Online advertising is also the most flexible and can be done on a low budget.
These are just a handful of the possible benefits of Promotion using mixed media marketing. If your offline promotional efforts are doing great, then continue using them. But look for ways to freshen them up. Integrate them online.

If you are a retail, B2B, vertical, hospitality, factory or website-based business; think of ways that you can promote more sales. What can you do to move more product? In times like these, every business needs to change something. Re-think your promotions and how your brand interacts with the market.

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