Sunday, September 6, 2009

The 14 Ps of Mixed Media Marketing - Part 12

This is very important P in online marketing. “Permission marketing” is a term used to describe the process where customers signup to receive e-newsletters. It is usually a reference to email marketing. However, permission is needed in all forms of effective marketing. You need some form of permission to get your message in front of the customer and another permission to get into the mind of the customer. With full permission, customers actually want to receive your message and are therefore, more willing to respond.

So how do you get this permission? Permission is a result of targeted advertising. Email marketing is the best example because the customer has decided that they want to know more about your product. Displaying your ad or having your message in places where your target market is (both online and offline) is a form of permission.

Think trade shows. People come to your industry tradeshow because they want to get information about that industry. You are in the place where your market expects you to be. It would be inappropriate to have a typical financial services ad on a children’s TV channel. It is equally unexpected to promote toys using financial keywords in Google AdWords. According to the customer, you are not permitted there. Only messages that are relevant to the audience are allowed in that space. This is where mass marketing falls short; it cannot be targeted enough. People switch off ads unless it is relevant and interesting to them.

Your message has to be acceptable to your audience. Analyze their personas, their values and beliefs. This will determine it’s appeal and if people will respond. The way you gain permission will need to be pliable; one appeal will not work for everybody. You may need several approaches, each targeted to different personas and people. Get permission through your promotion so your message will be accepted by your market.

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